Zumba, Zumba Fitness - Exhilarate Body Shaping

Udgiver: Line L.
Pris: 400 kr.
Adresse: 9220 Aalborg Øst
Udsigt: 5
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Zumba, Zumba Fitness - Exhilarate Body Shaping System, Guthy Renker

Zumba træningsguide med 7 DVD'er
Stort set ikke brugt på grund af manglende tid, men det er rigtig sjovt, når man først kommer i gang hjemme i stuen. der er vægte med også som gør det endnu sjovere at træne selv.

Derudover er der også inkluderet en 10-dags guide til vægttab.

Herunder har jeg indsat den officielle beskrivelse af sættet.
The Zumba Exhilarate Body Shaping System is revolutionizing the at-home fitness experience with seven electrifying ways to lose weight and stay fit!

This collection includes a pair of one-pound Zumba® Toning Sticks to boost your routines and the Exhilarate program guide, which has easy-to-follow guides, dietary tips and much more.

Rock the pounds off to seven unique DVDs filled with red-hot dance steps, pulsating Latin and world rhythms, and exhilarating workouts of varying intensity:

1. STEP BY STEP: A basic guide to break down the steps

2. ACTIVATE: A 45-minute, easy-to-follow class to get you started RIPPED: Body sculpting featuring Zumba® Toning and Zumba Sentao™ programs

3. RIPPED: Zumba Sentao - The revolutionary total body workout that will leave you on the edge of your seat.
3.2. RIPPED: Zumba Toning - The body Sculpting workout featuring Excluesive Maraca Like Zumba Toning sticks.

4. EXHILARATE: The original full-length fitness-party experience

5. RUSH: A 20-minute workout to amp you up

6. MIX: A rhythmic journey around the world

7. FITNESS CONCERT: Experience the party live

Also includes: One (1) pair of one-pound Zumba® Toning Sticks Exhilarate™ DVD collection program guide.

Type: Zumba
Mærke: Guthy Renker
Produkt: Zumba Fitness - Exhilarate Body Shaping System