WWE DVD sæt og show, instruktør WWE, DVD, andet 50 kr per styk:- Born to Controversy:..

Udgiver: Dennis H.
Pris: 600 kr.
Adresse: 4750 Lundby
Udsigt: 18
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WWE DVD sæt og show, instruktør WWE, DVD, andet

50 kr per styk:

- Born to Controversy: The Roddy Piper Story
- Bret Hart: The Best there is, best there was, best there ever will be
- Brian Pillman: Loose Cannon
- Edge: A Decade of Decadence (Silvervision Limited Edition)
- Hard Knocks: The Chris Benoit Story
- Macho Madness: The Randy Savage Ultimate Collection
- Mick Foley’s Greatest Hits & Misses
- Nature Boy Ric Flair: The Definitive Collection
- Ric Flair and the Four Horsemen
- Road Warriors: The Life & Death of the Most Dominant Tag-Team in Wrestling History
- Rob Van Dam: One of a Kind
- The Best of Saturday Night’s Main Event
- The Life and Times of Mr. Perfect
- The Self-Destruction of the Ultimate Warrior
- The Ultimate Ric Flair Collection

20 kr per styk:

- ECW Hard Hits!: Hardcore Heaven Series
- ECW November to Remember 96
- WWE Royal Rumble 2004
- WWE Royal Rumble 2008 (Limited Edition Steel Cover)
- WWE Survivor Series 2013

Det hele kan købes samlet for 700 kr

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Titel: WWE DVD sæt og show
Medie: DVD
Instruktør: WWE
Genre: andet