Vocalist, Digitech Vocalist II KormaskineFeatures:5-part intelligent scalic (diatonic) ..

Udgiver: Jan M.
Pris: 1.500 kr.
Adresse: 8700 Horsens
Udsigt: 28
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Vocalist, Digitech Vocalist II

5-part intelligent scalic (diatonic) and chordal harmonies
Natural sounding harmonies
2-line x 16-character high-contrast backlit LCD display
Vocoder mode
Full MIDI implementation
Recognizes chords played on MIDI keyboard
Extensive, editable harmony library
Chorus, portamento, DJ voice special effects
Programmable vibrato - speed, depth and attack
Programmable harmony volume, pitch randomization and +/- fixed pitch detune on each harmony
XLR microphone input with built-in preamp
Stereo headphone output
Unit will memorize key/chord changes and they can be stepped through using the footswitch, a MIDI sequencer, or a MIDI drum machine
No delay time when making program changes

Produkt: Vocalist
Model: Vocalist II
Mærke: Digitech