VHF/UHF, Kenwood TH-D7E TH-D7A / TH-D7E / TH-D7E(Ver.2.0)Memory Control ProgramMCP-D7 V..

Udgiver: Terje B.
Pris: 1.500 kr.
Adresse: Jacobsmindevej 19 7100 Vejle
Udsigt: 9
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VHF/UHF, Kenwood TH-D7E

TH-D7A / TH-D7E / TH-D7E(Ver.2.0)
Memory Control Program
MCP-D7 Version 1.20

Notes :
This program is for editing "Memory Channels", "APRS"(*1), "SKY COMMAND II"(*2) and various settings on the KENWOOD amateur radio TH-D7A/D7E/D7E(Ver.2.0).
This program does not work with the TH-D7A(G) / TH-D7A(G2.0) / TH-D7E(G2.0).
For the TH-D7A(G)/D7A(G2.0)/D7E(G2.0) uses, we are offering the MCP-D7G Memory Control Program.
This program runs on Windows 95/98/Me/2000.(*3)
(This program might not operate on Windows NT4.0/XP)
To write to or read from the TH-D7 memory, a separate connector cable PG-4W(option) is required.
About 1MB of free hard disk space is needed to install this program.
At least 5MB of memory is required to run this program.
Before connecting the TH-D7 to a PC, first turn the TH-D7 power OFF.
Permission is required if this program is to be redistributed on a personal web site.
Any user may not be engaged in the following acts:
To revise, change, edit, merge, de-compile or reverse engineer the Software.
The quality and performance of the Products shall not warrant the applicability to the purpose of any user. KENWOOD shall not assume any liability for defects, or warrant anything other than expressly provided in the document. The selection and introduction of the Products as well as the results therefrom shall be upon the liability of the users.
KENWOOD shall own all copyrights and other intellectual properties for the Products and all manuals and documents attached to the Products.
User shall be hereby allowed to use, not sell, the Software packed in the Products by KENWOOD. While the disc in which the Software is stored is possessed by the user, the ownership for the Software itself shall be reserved for KENWOOD.

Produkt: VHF/UHF
Model: TH-D7E
Mærke: Kenwood