Uro, Sympony-in-motion Mobile, Tiny Love Uro fra Tiny Love sælges. Er med klassisk mus..

Udgiver: Michael A.
Pris: 400 kr.
Adresse: 3500 Værløse
Udsigt: 4
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Uro, Sympony-in-motion Mobile, Tiny Love

Uro fra Tiny Love sælges. Er med klassisk musik (Mozart, Beethoven og Bach) samt spiraler/farvede prikker der er med til at stimulere babyens høre og synssans. Er uden skader/ridser.

Producenten skriver:
While other mobiles rotate in a predictable fashion, this strikingly different design will captivate your baby with a constantly changing elliptical orbit of slowly swirling animals, spirals, and sliding beads. One push of the remote control lets you activate it from afar without disturbing your baby. It's a colorful visual treat, set to the developmentally stimulating sounds of Mozart, Bach, and Beethoven.

Type: Uro
Mærke: Tiny Love
Produkt: Sympony-in-motion Mobile