Twenty Years of Art Elmore, Larry Elmore, anden

Udgiver: Jasper R.
Pris: 250 kr.
Adresse: peder olufsens vej 10 4653 Karise
Udsigt: 6
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Twenty Years of Art Elmore, Larry Elmore, anden bog

Utrolig smuk illustreret bog med Larry Elmores fantasy værker. Bogen er i flot stand, som billederne også viser:

Illustrations of fantasy art, science fiction art, comics art by the artist Larry Elmore, book twenty years of art.

Larry says: "I've always wanted to have a book of my art published for my family and fans. I've procrastinated for 15 years. Only in the last couple of years did I get the opportunity to put my TSR artwork and my freelance artwork together in the same book. This book covers the past 20 years of my career, including when I worked at TSR, the DragonLance years, and my current work."

Pages: 144

Dimensions: 9x12x.35

Titel: Twenty Years of Art Elmore
Type: Anden bog
Forfatter: Larry Elmore

Jasper R.peder olufsens vej 104653 Karise40635536250 kr.