Tolkien , David Day, anden bog Titel: A Tolkien Bestiary 1979, 1.udgave - Bogen er hel ..

Udgiver: T. S.
Pris: 79 kr.
Adresse: 3230 Græsted
Udsigt: 13
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Tolkien , David Day, anden bog

Titel: A Tolkien Bestiary

1979, 1.udgave - Bogen er hel m/ mindre brugsspor på smudsomslag, 2 ud af 287 sider er let krøllet, 99,-

Dette er bogen for Tolkien-fans med en omfattende guide til alle de væsner ligefra elver til monstre, flora og fauna, der er beskrevet i Hobitten og Ringenes Herre. Bogen rummer 100 s/h illustrationer og 35 farve-illustrationer tegnet af Michael Foreman, Lidia Postma, Ian Miller, Allan Curless, Sue Porter, Victor Ambrus and John Davis.

Der er en kronologisk gennemgang af alle historiske tider, slægtstræer, kort - og et indeks der referer til Tolkiens originale forfatterskab.

Dust jacket has minor wear 'round the edges and 1 tiny tear - 2 pages out of 287 have light creasing - 1.edition.

Here is the comprehensive reference guide for the millions of fans of the Hobbit and the Lord Of The Rings trilogy. All of the imaginary beasts, monsters, fauna, and flora of J.R.R. Tolkien's lush fantasy worlds of the Middle-Earth and the Undying Lands are presented in more that 100 black-and-white illustrations and 36 full color paintings.

A Chronology of all the historical ages, a general index, genealogies of the races of men, maps, and a special index referring to Tolkien's original works are also included.

The book contains monochrome and full-colour illustrations by Michael Foreman, Lidia Postma, Ian Miller, Allan Curless, Sue Porter, Victor Ambrus and John Davis.

2)Udgave af bogen med lilla forside, 9.udgave, - hardback, 79,-

Edition with purple cover - hardback.


Titel: Tolkien
Type: Anden bog
Forfatter: David Day