Thug Angel-Sjælden udg., instruktør Peter Spirer

Udgiver: M. M.
Pris: 150 kr.
Adresse: 1810 Frederiksberg C
Udsigt: 15
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Thug Angel-Sjælden udg., instruktør Peter Spirer, DVD, dokumentar

Thug Angel- The Life of an Outlaw - Flg. omtale skrevet af Mizkwebb om videoen fra
"I make it a point to see everything produced about Tupac. This film is far better than "Resurrection" or any of the other bios I've seen. For one thing, it correctly points out that whatever commitment Afeni Shakur showed to The Movement, she was still a lousy mother. It contains great in-depth interviews with Shock-G and others close to Tupac; and these detail his faults as well as his assets, portraying him as the brilliant, artistic, complex, individual he really was, not as a cardboard idol. If you want concert clips, this is not your flick. But if you want interviews with Tupac and his friends that you won't see elsewhere, check it out. "

- Label: SONY BMG Digital & Audio-Visual Division (Image Entertainment)
- Release date: 2002
Denne DVD-udgave er udgået og svær at opdrive i Danmark. Inkluderer en 16-siders brochure, kassette og DVD.

Fotos fra venstre mod højre: Kassette, brochure, CD, sceneliste

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Titel: Thug Angel-Sjælden udg.
Medie: DVD
Instruktør: Peter Spirer
Genre: dokumentar