Texas instruments TI-30x IIB Texas Instruments: TI-30x IIB lommeregner, til batteri. Go..

Udgiver: Lene S.
Pris: 100 kr.
Adresse: 2200 København N
Udsigt: 8
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Texas instruments TI-30x IIB

Texas Instruments:
TI-30x IIB lommeregner, til batteri. God til skolebrug.
Har følgende funktioner:
•11-digit scrollable entry line, with 10-digit answer and 2-digit exponent.
•Two-variable statistics.
•"Equation Recall" feature allows to recall, view, edit and correct previous entries and statistical data.
•Screen can be scrolled and edited in four directions.
•Fraction conversion and calculation.
•Trigonometric calculations (including hyperbolic functions) in DEG, RAD, or GRAD.
•Polar and rectangular coordinates.
•Degrees, minutes, seconds.
•Combinations and permutations.
•5 memories.
•EOS™ (Equation Operating System) for equation entry.

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