Tennisketsjer, Wilson + Tecnifibre TFlash 315 ATP

Udgiver: S T.
Pris: 250 kr.
Adresse: Oberst Myhres Vej 2 A 9000 Aalborg
Udsigt: 8
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Tennisketsjer, Wilson + Tecnifibre TFlash 315 ATP tennisketcher

Wilson + Tecnifibre TFlash 315 ATP tennisketcher

1 styk NY "Wilson Federer 100" tennisketcher :.
2 styk Tecnifibre TFlash 315 ATP tennisketchere

Fast pris
Bytter ikke
+ porto (59 kr i porto).

1 styk NY "Wilson Federer 100" tennisketcher :
-Greb L2 Junior/Damegreb
Køb et overgrip og den passer til en herrespiller.
NY 250 kr.

2 styk Tecnifibre TFlash 315 ATP tennisketchere:
Og glimrende All-Round ketcher fra Technifibre.
Greb 3 + påsat overgrip.
Ingen streng i.
450 kr pr. styk.

2014 versionen.

Brugt af divisionsspiller.

" The TFlash 315 offers solid power and an incredibly forgiving feel and impresses from all areas of the court. Both the modern, aggressive striker of the ball as well as the more traditional player with more compact strokes will get a lot of performance out of this one. There's ample power to help get shots deep and to add some zip to put away shots. The feel at impact is very comfortable. Ball feel is cushioned, yet there's enough connection for confident hitting even when going for precise targets. At net the TFlash 315 ATP provides excellent comfort and is extremely forgiving. Even volleys caught outside of the sweetspot feel comfortable and leave the racquet with predictable pace and direction. Tecnifibre has included its Tour Prepared technology by putting silicone in the handle of this racket, and the result is a fast and powerful offering that offers a more dampened feel compared to competing racquets".

Produkt: Tennisketsjer
Mærke: Wilson + Tecnifibre TFlash 315 ATP tennisketcher