Tegninger af Fritz Jürgensen, Fritz Jürgensen

Udgiver: Kresten J.
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Tegninger af Fritz Jürgensen, Fritz Jürgensen 1818-1863, emne: kunst og kultur

44 litografier!!
20 Tegninger + 24 efterladte tegninger af Fritz Jürgensen - første "bog" trykt enten 1861 ((højst sandsynlig den originale fra 1861 da side antallet er håndskrevet) eller 1866 - anden "bog" 1868. Trykt hos Jacob Lund.
Indbundet i grønt halv lærred med for og bagsats af det fineste japanske papir Washi (grønt - så man nærmest kan se alle fibrene) - 20 + 24 litografier - god stand - men alders plettet.
Kom med et bud/make a bit?
Det japanske papir (6 sider!!) er helt fantastisk at se på - som et levende spindelvæv - ikke uden grund at man bruger det till origami - koster på det tidspunkt en formue!
Washi is produced in a way similar to that of ordinary paper, but fewer chemicals are used. It involves a long and intricate process that is often undertaken in the cold weather of winter, as pure, cold running water is essential to the production of washi. Cold inhibits bacteria, preventing the decomposition of the fibers. Cold also makes the fibers contract, producing a crisp feel to the paper. It is traditionally the winter work of farmers, a task that supplemented a farmer's income.

Kozo is the most commonly used fiber in making Japanese paper. The kozo branches are boiled and stripped of their outer bark, and then dried. The fibers are then boiled with lye to remove the starch, fat and tannin, and then placed in running water to remove the lye. The fibers are then bleached (either with chemicals or naturally, by placing it in a protected area of a stream) and any remaining impurities in the fibers are picked out by hand. The kozo is laid on a rock or board and beaten.

Titel: Tegninger af Fritz Jürgensen
Kategori: kunst og kultur
Forfatter: Fritz Jürgensen 1818-1863