Study books, Misc. Copenhagen Business SchoolUsed books for sale for Business, Language..

Udgiver: René M.
Pris: 150 kr.
Adresse: Tycho Brahes Alle 1 2300 København S
Udsigt: 11
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Study books, Misc.

Copenhagen Business School
Used books for sale for Business, Language and Culture (German) studies; good condition

British and American studies: The US and the UK in the context of regional integration by Kevin McGovern (Fall 2013 edition) - 40 DKK
Intercultural Business communication by Susanne Lassen & Lill Ingstad (Spring 2014 edition) - 100 DKK
Fundamnetals of Corporate Finance by Brealey, Myers & Marcus (7th edition) - 150 DKK
Statistics: The Art and Science of Learning from Data by Agresti & Franklin (2nd edition) - 150 DKK
Managing & Organizations: An Introduction to Theory & Practice by Clegg, Kornberger & Pitsis (2nd edition) - 100 DKK
International Economics: Theory & Policy by Krugman & Obstfeld (8th edition) - 100 DKK
Global Politics: A new Introduction by Edkins & Zehfuss
Geschäftskommunikation by Buscha & Linthout - 50 DKK
Managerial Economics (in a Global Economy) by Salvatore (7th edition) - 100 DKK
British and American Studies by Ashbee, Richmond & Helmersen (Fall 2012/Spring 2013 edition) - 50 DKK
British and American Studies by Ashbee, Richmond & Helmersen (Fall 2011/Spring 2012 edition) - 50 DKK
Deutschland – Europa – Globalisierung by Bornfeld (Fall 2013 edition) - 50 DKK
Managing Across Cultures by Schneider & Barsoux (2nd edition) - 100 DKK
Contemporary America by Duncan & Goddard (3rd edition) - 70 DKK
Contemporary Britain by McCormick (2nd edition) - 70 DKK

Titel: Study books
Forfatter: Misc.

René M.Tycho Brahes Alle 12300 København S42426660150 kr.