SPSS 16.0, Data Analysis, Statistical, SAS System
SPSS 16.0, Data Analysis, Statistical, SAS System, Hatcher, Stokes, Davis, And Koch, Houldsworth
Førstehjælp til former – Fysik 112: 90kr
Confirmatory Factor Analysis – For applied Research: 60kr
Princeiples and Practice Of Structural Equation Modeling: 380kr
Pure Mathematics 1 – J.k Backhouse, S. P. T Houldsworth: 25kr
Pure Mathematics 2 – J.k Backhouse, S. P. T Houldsworth,
B. E. D. Cooper – 25kr
Pure Mathematics: Samlet 40kr
Matematisk analyse 1 - Universitetsforlaget: 25kr
SPSS 16.0 User’s Guide: 20kr
SPSS 16.0 Guide to Data Analysis: 90kr
SPSS 16.0 Statistical Procedures Companion – Marija J. Norusis: 300kr
SPSS: samlet 300kr
A Step by Step Approach to Using the SAS System for Factor Analysis and Structural Equation Modeling – Larry Hatcher, Ph. D.: 250kr
Categorical Data Analysis Using the SAS System –
Stokes, Davis, And Koch: 150kr
Titel: SPSS 16.0, Data Analysis, Statistical, SAS System,
Forfatter: Hatcher, Stokes, Davis, And Koch, Houldsworth,
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