Spolebåndoptager, Sony, TC-252 Vintage SONY spolebåndoptagere fra 1969. Kategoriseret..

Udgiver: Kim N.
Pris: 300 kr.
Adresse: Glostrupvej 21 4500 Nykøbing Sj
Udsigt: 21
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Spolebåndoptager, Sony, TC-252

Vintage SONY spolebåndoptagere fra 1969. Kategoriseret som noget af det fornemmeste den gang. Virker helt upåklagelig men den ene kanal er ikke helt klar, men den har også kun været tændt i 5 minutter. Højtalerne medfølger som er original til båndoptageren. Bånd medfølger ikke.
Er også mærket ELTRA.

BUD modtages gerne.
Kan sendes som pakke for 129.- med GLS.


The Sony Model TC-252 is a four-track stereophonic/monophonic tape recorder for accurate recording and playback, featuring built-in amplifiers and lid-integrated stereo speakers.

Special features include a vibration-free motor, all-silicon transistor for exceptional low noise and distortion, scrape flutter filter which eliminates undesirable tape modulation distortion, automatic sentinel shut-off and retractable pinch roller.

The sound-on-sound facility of the TC-252 permits composite recording from left channel to right channel and vice versa with its selector switch. Sound-with-sound and public address are also featured.


Track system: 4-track, 2-channel, stereo/monaural system

Heads: 1 x record/playback, 1 x erase

Reel size: up to 7 inch reel

Tape speeds: 1 7⁄8 3 3⁄4 7 1⁄2 ips

Wow and flutter: 0.12% (7 1⁄2 ips)

Frequency response: 30Hz to 18kHz (7 1⁄2 ips)

Signal to Noise Ratio: 50dB

Input: 60mV (line), 0.19mV (mic)

Output: 0.39V (line)

Output power: 4 watts

Speakers: 2 x 130mm dynamic speakers

Semiconductors: 20 x transistors, 3 x diodes

Dimensions: 408 x 256 x 380mm

Weight: 13.5kg


service manual (en)

instruction/owners manual (en) - ArieRoelof

Produkt: Spolebåndoptager
Model: TC-252
Mærke: Sony