Screamer, til pc, racing Screamer is a real milestone in the history of racing videogam..

Udgiver: Egon J.
Pris: 30 kr.
Adresse: Lidemarksvej 30 4681 Herfølge
Udsigt: 19
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Screamer, til pc, racing

Screamer is a real milestone in the history of racing videogames because of its playability and fast and detailed graphics. Nothing like this had ever been seen on a PC before: only in video arcades one could live an authentic arcade experience. The true strength of the game is its playability: skids, ***SPORTELLATE***, fights to death; all this guarantees great fun still today. The level of graphic details is such that the background is reflected on cars windshields: race under skyscrapers, under the night lights of an amusement park, or race in the countryside under gigantic windmills, or even through the Grand Canyon. The default racing tracks are three but two more can be unlocked by playing the championship. Different difficulty levels and four game modes give the gaming enthusiast a challenging and passionate experience. The player can put to the test his skills in Championship mode, reach his limits with Time Trial mode or just have fun.
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Titel: Screamer
Genre: racing
Platform: til pc