Samlekort, Battle for Zendikar FOIL Magic the Gathering - Battle for Zendikar Foil enke..

Udgiver: Søren I.
Pris: 5 kr.
Adresse: Jægerhusene 40 2620 Albertslund
Udsigt: 14
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Samlekort, Battle for Zendikar FOIL

Magic the Gathering - Battle for Zendikar Foil enkeltkort.

Alle kort er FOIL og prisen er pr. stk.

Mythic Foil:
1x Ulamog, The Ceaseless Hunger 250,-kr
2x Undergrowth Champion 150,-kr

Rare FOIL:
1x Barrage Tyrant 12,-kr
1x Brood Butcher 12,-kr
1x Dust Stalker 15,-kr
1x Guul Draz Overseer 12,-kr
1x Oran-Rief Hydra 12,-kr
1x Planar Outburst 15,-kr
1x Radiant Flames 30,-kr
1x Serpentine Spike 10,-kr

Uncommon FOIL:
1x Blighted Cataract 15,-kr
1x Bloodbond Vampire 6,-kr
2x Breaker Of Armies 5,-kr
1x Encircling Fissure 5,-kr
1x Expedition Envoy 8,-kr
1x Firemantle Mage 5,-kr
1x Grove Rumbler 5,-kr
1x Herald Of Kozilek 10,-kr
1x Infuse With The Elements 5,-kr
2x Jaddi Offshoot 7,-kr
1x Retreat To Emeria 5,-kr
1x Roil Spout 5,-kr
1x Tide Drifter 5,-kr
1x Tunneling Geopede 5,-kr
1x Ulamog's Nullifier 5,-kr
1x Ulamog's Nullifier 5,-kr

Common FOIL:
1x Benthic Infiltrator 2,-kr
2x Bone Splinters 2,-kr
1x Cloud Manta 2,-kr
1x Dispel 30,-kr
1x Dutiful Return 2,-kr
1x Eldrazi Skyspawner 2,-kr
1x Eyeless Watcher 2,-kr
1x Fertile Thicket 8,-kr
1x Kalastria Nightwatch 2,-kr
1x Looming Spires 5,-kr
2x Makindi Sliderunner 2,-kr
1x Mire's Malice 2,-kr
1x Murk Strider 2,-kr
1x Oracle Of Dust 2,-kr
1x Oran-Rief Invoker 2,-kr
1x Ruin Processor 2,-kr
1x Salvage Drone 3,-kr
1x Smite The Monstrous 2,-kr
1x Stone Haven Medic 3,-kr
1x Tajuru Stalwart 2,-kr
2x Tightening Coils 2,-kr
1x Touch Of The Void 2,-kr
1x Wave-Wing Elemental 2,-kr

Type: Samlekort
Produkt: Battle for Zendikar FOIL