Samlefigurer, Breaking Bad Talking Doll Walter

Udgiver: Superhelten Legetøj
Pris: 350 kr.
Adresse: Ndr. Frihavnsgade 8 2100 København Ø
Udsigt: 21
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Samlefigurer, Breaking Bad Talking Doll Walter White The...

Denne talene Walter White dukke kommer fra hit tv-serien "Breaking Bad"

Figuren er 43 cm høj og er iklædt rigtigt tøj.

Han kan sige følgende 16 sætninger fra serien:

- What the hell is wrong with you? I’m really asking!
- Hey, look, I’m just the chemist here, I’m not the street guy, yo.
- I simply respect the chemistry. The chemistry must be respected.
- The batch will be good for nothing if we don’t clear the contaminate.
- The cook, can’t stop.
- You kill me, you have nothing.
- Don’t chop chop me.
- Why am I the only person capable of behaving in a professional manner?
- How did everything get so screwed up?
- One homicidal maniac at a time.
- Every life comes with a death sentence.
- There is gold in the streets, just waiting for someone to come and scoop it up.
- The methylamine keeps flowing no matter what.
- Nothing stops this train. Nothing.
- You’re God-damn right.
- Maybe now you’ll listen. Maybe now you’ll use your damn head.

Type: Samlefigurer
Produkt: Breaking Bad Talking Doll Walter White The...