Samlefigurer, Batman Arkham City action figur
Udgiver: Superhelten Legetøj
Pris: 180 kr.
Adresse: Ndr. Frihavnsgade 8 2100 København Ø
Udsigt: 128
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Samlefigurer, Batman Arkham City action figur Rabbit Hole...
Batman Arkham City action figur Rabbit Hole Batman 17 cm
From inside the heavily fortified walls of a sprawling district in the heart of Gotham City comes Rabbit Hole Batman, pulled from Mad Hatter´s twisted mission. Based on the blockbuster video game published by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, developed by Rocksteady Studios and licensed by DC Entertainment.
Type: Samlefigurer
Produkt: Batman Arkham City action figur Rabbit Hole...
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