Robot, Prime-8 Gorilla Robot, Bossa Nova Der er her tale om en af de unikke Bossa Nova ..

Udgiver: Martin C.
Pris: 125 kr.
Adresse: Kornelparken, Grindsted 9310 Vodskov
Udsigt: 20
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Robot, Prime-8 Gorilla Robot, Bossa Nova

Der er her tale om en af de unikke Bossa Nova Prime-8 Gorilla robotter med fjernbetjening og missiler.

I rigtig god stand og virker 100%

Kort beskrivelse af robotten (på engelsk):

This yellow gorilla robot is lots of fun since he is packed full of personality! Kids will love how this gorilla robot has the ability to play up to 5 games and is even programmable. The Prime 8 will also respond to his environment and his owner with whatever personality he is feeling at the moment. This robot sells at

- The fastest toy robot ever introduced with prime-8 runs on his bi-ped arms
- Built in character and personality
- You can play up to 5 action games with Prime-8
- Prime-8 is fully programmable to do your own tricks
- Prime-8 responds to you and to the environment depending on his personality which you can change at any time

(se billederne)

Type: Robot
Mærke: Bossa Nova
Produkt: Prime-8 Gorilla Robot