Rap / Hip Hop 4 Bøger - Pris fra 60 kr., emne:

Udgiver: Steen J.
Pris: 60 kr.
Adresse: Scharlingsvej 18, 4.th. 2500 Valby
Udsigt: 15
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Rap / Hip Hop 4 Bøger - Pris fra 60 kr., emne: musik

Encyclopedia of Rap and Hip Hop Culture:
Hip Hop music is comprised of several art forms: 1) MC-ing or rapping 2)B-boying or breakdancing 3)Deejaying (music) and 4) Graffiti art (visual art). Tracing its early roots from black DJs talking over music in the 1960s, the B-boy dancers in the 1970s, and the scratching and sampling techniques of the '80s to the founding of Def Jam productions, the current East Cost-West Coast rivalry, and superstars such as Eminem and 50 Cent, hip hop fans will find this an indispensable resource.
Indbundet, 480 sider. Ny. 150 kr.

Understand Rap:
Although rap music is famous for its ingenuity, double entendres and clever turns of phrase, until now no one has attempted to collect rap lyrics into an organised compendium. Enter Understand Rap, a very funny pop-cultural reference book based on the website of the same name, which precisely explains all the confusing terms and lyrics used in rap songs in a language even the most un-hip person can understand. The result is a book with breakout potential that's both entertaining and highly informative.
Hæftet, 179 sider. Som ny. 75 kr.

Rap on Rap:
An anthology of essays, editorials, and criticism--by Anna Quindlen, Nathan McCall, Sister Souljah, Ice-T, and William Safire, among others--provides a provocative study of the diverse forms and meaning of rap music and the culture that spawned it.
Hæftet, 270 sider. Frikøbt biblioteksbog. Lidt slidt. 60 kr.

The Hip Hop Years:
The Hip Hop Years traces the history of this vibrant culture through the firsthand accounts of many of the people who have played a pivotal role in that journey, including Kool Herc, Grandmaster Flash, Run DMC, Ice-T, Public Enemy, NWA, and many more.
Hæftet, 221 sider. Frikøbt biblioteksbog. Lidt slidt. 60 kr.

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Titel: Rap / Hip Hop 4 Bøger - Pris fra 60 kr.
Kategori: musik