Pladespiller, Numark Numark TTX-USB
 I'm selling a professional direct drive turntable. ..
Udgiver: nicolas V.
Pris: 1.499 kr.
Adresse: Blaamejsevej 2400 København NV
Udsigt: 22
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Pladespiller, Numark Numark TTX-USB
I'm selling a professional direct drive turntable. It's only been used at home and stands in great condition. New price is DKK 4.699,-
It comes with S-shaped tone arm and three cables (USB, audio output, power plug), plain black slipmat, and I can throw a used pick-up in the bargain.
I accidentally broke the tone arm lifter (see image), this can be replaced for around DKK 70,-.
See more at numark:
Produkt: Pladespiller
Model: Numark TTX-USB
Mærke: Numark
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