PC Spil, simulation The History Channel: Battle of Britain 1940 (04) / Activision **..

Udgiver: Søren B.
Pris: 30 kr.
Adresse: Jacob Bulls Alle 116 2860 Søborg
Udsigt: 3
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PC Spil, simulation

The History Channel: Battle of Britain 1940 (04) / Activision ** => 30kr
Blazing Angels: Squardrons of WWII, DVD-rom (06) / Ubisoft ** => 30kr
Combat Flight Simulator (98) / Microsoft *** => 20kr
Combat Flight Simulator 2, 2CD-rom (01) / Microsoft *** => 30kr
Destroyer Command (01) / SSI-Ubisoft * => 20kr
Microsoft Train Simulator (01) / Ubisoft-Microsoft *** => 30kr
Rowan’s Battle of Britain (00) / Empire-Rowan *** => 30kr
Silent Hunter III, DVD-rom (05) / Ubisoft *** => 40kr
Silent Hunter 4: Wolves of the Pacific, DVD-rom (07) / Ubisoft * => 25kr
Sub Culture / Ubisoft ** => 10kr

* => Spillet/Brugt
** => Åbnet men ikke spillet (installeret)
*** => Helt ny og i folie

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Titel: PC Spil
Genre: simulation