Overdrive Wampler (klon) Ecstacy 1:1 klon. Høj kvalitets del; WIMA, Elka kondensatorer..

Udgiver: Ben C.
Pris: 600 kr.
Adresse: 2765 Smørum
Udsigt: 4
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Overdrive Wampler (klon) Ecstacy

1:1 klon. Høj kvalitets del; WIMA, Elka kondensatorer, Alpha pots osv.
Lyder kanon. Meget fleksibel.
Bass, Tone, Gain, Volume og.en 3-vejs Smooth/Open/Crunch switch.
Kobber finish, lakeret.

Jeg har bygget to og beholder den en selv.

Lidt mere info.
The Wampler Ecstacy uses a very simple control lay out but produces an incredible vasriety of tones that let your guitar do the talking thanks to transparency and awesome responsive gain that reacts just like a top end tube amp! Use the Ecstacy's two band EQ (high and low), Smooth/Open/Crunch switch, gain and output volume settings to set the basic distortion tone that you're after then use your guitar's volume and tone controls to choose between full on grit (both on full) choppy crunch (volume halfway tone full), singing solos (volume full, tone backed off) or even cleaner tones (volume backed right off tone full) and so on. You can even control the pedals grit with your playing dynamics and pick attack, just like a top end tube amp that costs ten times the price of this magic little pedal from Wampler!

Produkt: Overdrive Wampler (klon)
Model: Ecstacy