Midi keyboard, Fatar sl 880 perfekt til den der spille/øve klaver . Vægtede tangente..
Midi keyboard, Fatar sl 880
perfekt til den der spille/øve klaver . Vægtede tangenter har selv købt det brugt for 3000 kr sælger det til 1000 kr da picth bend og modulater wheel ikke virker korrekt .. men det er osse lige meget hvis man bare skal spille klaver
Weighted hammer-action and a full set of controls.
The Studiologic SL-880 PRO 88-Key Hammer-Action Controller functions as a MIDI controller only, with no internal sounds. Keys are velocity and aftertouch sensitive. Controls include pitch-bend and modulation wheels, 4 buttons for the enabling and disabling of 4 keyboard zones, enter/edit buttons, 2 scroll buttons, 10 LEDs indicating active parameter, 4 LEDs indicating active zone. Features include 4 zones for splits and programmable layers, a numerical keypad corresponding to the keys of the central octave, memory for storage of the last-used zone parameters, 8 zone-specific velocity curves, 8 global velocity curves, 2 parallel MIDI outputs, sustain input jack, and volume input jack.
Weighted hammer-action
Velocity- and aftertouch-sensitive
88 keys
Pitch-bend and modulation wheels
4 buttons for enabling and disabling of 4 zones
Edit/enter buttons
2 scroll buttons
10 LEDs indicating active parameter
4 LEDs indicating active zone
4 zones for splits and programmable layers
Numerical keypad corresponding to the keys of the central octave
Memory for storage of the last-used zone parameters
8 zone-specific velocity curves
8 global velocity curves
2 parallel MIDI outputs
Sustain input jack
Produkt: Midi keyboard
Model: sl 880
Mærke: Fatar