LP, The Police, Walking in your footsteps, Rock David Bowie: Tin Machine. SOLGT!David ..

Udgiver: Peter J.
Pris: 25 kr.
Adresse: 2730 Herlev
Udsigt: 27
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LP, The Police, Walking in your footsteps, Rock

David Bowie: Tin Machine. SOLGT!

David Bowie: Never Let Me Down. SOLGT!

The Police: Synchronicity.
"Walking in Your Footsteps", "Tea in the Sahara", i alt 10 numre.
1983 med tekster.
25 kr.

Strawbs: Grave New World. - SOLGT
"Thursday´s Child", "The Journey´s End". i alt 12 numre.
Svag ikke hørbar ridse side 2, nr. 1.
50 kr.

Medie: LP
Titel: Walking in your footsteps
Kunstner: The Police
Genre: Rock