LP, Mike Oldfield, Discovery, Rock Virgin ?– DMM 206 300Vinyl, LP, Album, DMM Pressin..

Udgiver: Paul-Henning H.
Pris: 50 kr.
Adresse: Sirgræsvej 59 2770 Kastrup
Udsigt: 14
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LP, Mike Oldfield, Discovery, Rock

Virgin ?– DMM 206 300

Vinyl, LP, Album, DMM Pressing

Media Condition
Mint (M)

Sleeve Condition
Near Mint (NM or M-)


Electronic, Rock, Pop
Pop Rock, Ambient

A1 To France
A2 Poison Arrows
A3 Crystal Gazing
A4 Tricks Of The Light
A5 Discovery

B1 Talk About Your Life
B2 Saved By The Bell
B3 The Lake (Instrumental)

Producer, Engineer – Mike Oldfield, Simon Philips*
Vocals – Barry Palmer, Maggie Reilly

This is a Direct Metal Mastering pressing

Sleeve printed in Western Germany by Mohndruck Grapische Bertriebe GmbH, Gutersloh

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Medie: LP
Titel: Discovery
Kunstner: Mike Oldfield
Genre: Rock