LP, Anne Murray, Lets Keep It That Way CountrySide 11. Let's Keep It That Way2. Walk Ri..

Udgiver: søren n.
Pris: 30 kr.
Adresse: Heimdalsvej 35. 1 sal t. venstre 3600 Frederikssund
Udsigt: 3
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LP, Anne Murray, Lets Keep It That Way

Side 1
1. Let's Keep It That Way
2. Walk Right Back
3. Just To Feel This Love From You
4. We Don't Make Love Anymore
5. I Still Wish The Very Best For You

Side 2
1. You Needed Me
2. You're A Part Of Me
3. Hold Me Tight
4. Tennessee Waltz
5. There's Always A Goodbye

1978 Capitol Records Inc.
7C 062-85337

Forsendelse: Efter gældende posttakster

Medie: LP
Titel: Lets Keep It That Way
Kunstner: Anne Murray