Legetæppe, Funky Footprints, ELC Great for getting your little one on the move, the S..

Udgiver: Jørgen N.
Pris: 89 kr.
Adresse: Dyssebakken 11 2900 Hellerup
Udsigt: 16
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Legetæppe, Funky Footprints, ELC

Great for getting your little one on the move, the Sounds Funky Footprints mat counts, makes funny sounds and cheers for your toddler.

Your young child can step or hop on the funky footprints to hear lots of silly sounds As your toddler steps on each footprint, which are numbered from 1 to 10, the mat counts up the numbered steps. When your little one lands on the final footprints, the mat cheers for them! This fun mat is great for getting your little one active indoors, and helps them discover numbers too. Colours may vary.

Quick facts:
•Sounds Funky Footprints
•10 footprints to walk up and 2 to land on
•Counting, funny sounds and cheers
•Great for getting active and toddling fun

Great for your child's development:

Type: Legetæppe
Mærke: ELC
Produkt: Funky Footprints