Kowloon stel fra Crown Staffordshire

Udgiver: Marie B.
Pris: 6.000 kr.
Adresse: Brødeskovvej 31 3400 Hillerød
Udsigt: 6
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Porcelæn, Samling, Crown Staffordshire, Kowloon pattern

Kowloon by Crown Staffordshire from the Kowloon by Crown Staffordshire from the 60s

11 dinner plates
1 square bread + butter plate
1 sauce boat + stand
1 soup bowl
7 coffee cups - 2 with minor glued cracks
9 coffee cup saucers
10 side plates
5 pin dish
1 small bowl on stand
1 large fluted bowl on stand
1 medium sized oval serving bowl
1 ginger jar (lid is glued)
1 small fluted serving plate
1 square box with lid
1 small fluted serving plate
1 square box with lid

Type: Porcelæn
Mærke: Crown Staffordshire, Kowloon pattern
Produkt: Samling