Kolind Kuren..., Lars Kolind..., Hardback udgave Business Network TransformationBluepri..

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Kolind Kuren..., Lars Kolind..., Hardback udgave

Business Network Transformation
Blueprint to a Billion (Thomson)
The new strategic selling (Robert B. Miller m.fl.)
Selling to Big Companis (Konrath)
Kunsten at sælger (Peter Hindkjær m.fl.)
Getting to Yes (Fisher m.fl.)
You are killing me here (Steve Reilly)
Innovation (Curtis R. Carlson m.fl.)
Motto (Christina Boutrup m.fl.)
The CPO (Schuh m.fl.)
Kolind Kuren

50kr stk. alle for 200kr

Titel: Kolind Kuren...
Udgave: Hardback
Forfatter: Lars Kolind...