Kabler, Xitel Xitel GLI1-S1 Ground Loop Isolator Dette er et Ground loop "kabel", bereg..

Udgiver: Jesper R.
Pris: 300 kr.
Adresse: Ekkodalen 2, 3. tv 8210 Aarhus V
Udsigt: 18
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Kabler, Xitel Xitel GLI1-S1 Ground Loop Isolator

Dette er et Ground loop "kabel", beregnet til at fjerne hørbart brum i stereoanlægget.

Som ny, virker selvfølgeligt perfekt :-)

Xitel GLI1-S1 Ground Loop Isolator Home Stereo
Eliminate the electrical noise and humming with the Xitel GLI1-S1 Ground Loop Isolator Home Stereo. Humming sound from your audio equipment is produced by ground loops in your home or apartment mains power wiring. This sound is often irritating and it can even ruin your day. With this ground loop isolator, you can stop the humming noise and enjoy your audio system's superior sound quality. Let yourself the only one humming to the beats and sounds with the Xitel GLI1-S1 Ground Loop Isolator Home Stereo; order it now!

The probable cause of that buzzing or humming in your audio equipment is a ground loop in the main power wiring. This happens when differences in resistance in the electrical system of your home occurs. When you connect your PC or audio components to your stereo speakers, a path is provided for electricity to flow from one wall socket to another. This is normal since the electrical system of your home will try to balance itself. Though completely normal, however, this causes the irritating buzzing or humming you hear.

How Xitel’s Ground Loop Isolator is Installed
Installing this isolator is a snap. First, turn off your PC or audio components and your entire stereo speaker system. Then plug the cable end of Xitel’s ground loop isolator marked "stereo" directly into your stereo RCA input. Plug the RCA cable running from your PC or audio component into the RCA connectors on the Xitel’s ground loop isolator marked "input". You’re done! Now you can enjoy a buzzing- or humming-free audio equipment use!

-Har MobilPay-

Produkt: Kabler
Model: Xitel GLI1-S1 Ground Loop Isolator
Mærke: Xitel