Internetradio, Tivoli TIVOLI NETVORKS+
 Internet, dab og FM radio.Næsten ubrugt, som ny..
Internetradio, Tivoli TIVOLI NETVORKS+
Internet, dab og FM radio.
Næsten ubrugt, som ny. Kan streame direkte fra internettet og fra eget netværk.M/ekstra højtaler. Mørk valnød. Afhentning foretrækkes. Kan sendes.Køber betaler omkostninger. Der er tale om topmodellen med WIFI og kablet netværk.
Tivoli Networks WLAN DAB Stereo Internet Radio - Walnut-Gold - £634.90
The Tivoli Networks+ is a quality digital radio that represents the latest in the line of great products of the last 40 years from Henry Kloss since he first developed the Tivoli Model One. The Networks+ boasts the best quality in materials and manufacturing as well technical design. This digital radio has confidently found its place amongst the modern radio market. Over 10,000 stations can be picked up wirelessly or via a LAN connection. Maintaining connection to the internet is ensured thanks to the exclusive SuperBuffer that drastically reduces reception losses. With the built-in FM tuner and DAB receiver the Tivoli Networks+ is easily connected to traditional radio stations. A recent addition to the Networks+ is the ability to connect to external audio devices: AUX and USB inputs open the radio up to MP3 and CD players. The WLAN/LAN connection lets the radio stream MP3s direct to your computer or laptop. On the design side Tom De Vesto has managed to bring together more rustic and classic elements of traditional designs with more modern qualities and aspects of functionality. Kan ikke købes i DK.
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bud modtages....kun tlf henvendelse ;0)
Produkt: Internetradio
Mærke: Tivoli