Højttaler, Philips 22 RH 493 00T, 60 W, passiv Klassiske vintage/retro højttalere i..

Udgiver: P. N.
Pris: 500 kr.
Adresse: Lundebjerggårdsvej 31 2740 Skovlunde
Udsigt: 68
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Højttaler, Philips 22 RH 493 00T, 60 W, passiv

Klassiske vintage/retro højttalere i teaktræ. I pæn men ikke ekseptionel stand.
Philips "High Fidelity International" 22 RH-493 Bookshelf Speakers
Made in Holland: 1969-1971
Philips seem to have found a way to build some soft-damping into these musical, well-regarded drivers.
These speakers sound so tube -like sweet!
The sound is fantastic!
Excellent bass for such a small sized speaker!
Woofers have rubber surrounds!
These famous Philips AD7065/W8 woofers were also been used by Dahlquist.
Plus these really fantastic Philips AD0161/T8 tweeters were also used by DLK, Goodmans, B&O, Fairfax, and others.
These are about as close to AlNiCo sounding of any non-AlNiCo drivers you'll ever come across.
Manufacturer / Brand: Philips
Year: 1970 Loudspeakers
Philips Model RH 493 speakers
Original Beautiful Real Teak wooden case!
Use with a rated 10 to 20 watt receiver
Imp. @ 8 Ohms
Max. power: 20 - 60 watts
Impédance: 8 Ohms
Freq. 40 - 20,000Hz
AD0160 / T8, AD8060 / W8
(WHD) 290 x 380 x 210 mm / 11.40" x 15 x 8.30"
Net weight: 5.5 kg / 12 lb 1.8 oz (12.115 lb)

Mærke: Philips 22 RH 493 00T
Type: passiv
Watt: 60