Herreur, andet mærke Martian Notifier, kun brugt få gange og fremstår som ny.The Mar..

Udgiver: Tonny V.
Pris: 600 kr.
Adresse: H P Rosenvinges Pl 2 8500 Grenaa
Udsigt: 5
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Herreur, andet mærke

Martian Notifier, kun brugt få gange og fremstår som ny.

The Martian Notifier is an attractive, colorful analog wristwatch with an integrated OLED readout that acts as a hands-free notification of real time alerts, keeping you well informed while your phone remains in a pocket, purse or backpack. The Notifier also lets you completely customize the look with our line of quick change color bands!

Used in conjunction with the free Martian Notifier App, you will automatically receive notifications — including:
Incoming Calls
Social Media
Stock / Finance / Bank Alerts
Fitness Apps
Sports Scores and Alerts
News Headlines
and Many More Apps and Alerts You Can Customize from Your iOS or Android Phone!

Produkt: Herreur
Mærke: Andet mærke