Heroes, instruktør Tim Kring, DVD, eventyr Heroes sæson 1 - 4.Sæson 1 - 80 ,-Sæson ..

Udgiver: Camilla G.
Pris: 80 kr.
Adresse: 2640 Hedehusene
Udsigt: 10
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Heroes, instruktør Tim Kring, DVD, eventyr

Heroes sæson 1 - 4.

Sæson 1 - 80 ,-
Sæson 2 - 80 ,-
Sæson 3 - 80 ,-
Sæson 4 - 80 ,-

Alle for 200 ,-

All round the world a small handful of people are starting to show signs of changes, they're exhibiting strange powers, powers which they've never experienced before, and have no idea how, or why they acquired them. Peter Petrelli in New York is convinced that he can fly, Claire Bennet in Texas discovers she indestructible, policeman Matt Parkman can suddenly hear peoples thoughts, Hiro Nakamura in Japan begins to realise he can control time, the list goes on and on.

This band of strangers will slowly cross paths as they all begin a long journey, a journey that will end in New York; a place where millions of people will be killed if this band of Heroes are unable to stop a nuclear explosion. And who causes nuclear explosions? Super Villains!

Titel: Heroes
Medie: DVD
Instruktør: Tim Kring
Genre: eventyr