Hasselblad 903 SWC
 With the worlds best wide angle lens, the Zeiss Biogon 38 mm.This is..
Udgiver: jan p.
Pris: 22.000 kr.
Adresse: rugmarken 32 6000 Kolding
Udsigt: 3
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Hasselblad 903 SWC
With the worlds best wide angle lens, the Zeiss Biogon 38 mm.
This is virtually an unused camera.
Ideal for use with a digital back.
Bought from Hasselblad Denmark in 1999 as a demo model, it has shoot approx 50 rolls until present day, and that's why I'm selling it off; this camera is build to be used continuously.
Excellent condition.
Users Guide.
Original packaging.
Invoice from Hasselblad DK.
Incl. film magazine, Hasselblad UV-filter and Hasselblad lens shade.
Mærke: Hasselblad
Model: 903 SWC
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