GOD of WONDERS, instruktør Jim Tetlow, DVD, andet Kodefri DVD-film GOD of WONDERS. Und..

Udgiver: Egon J.
Pris: 49 kr.
Adresse: Lidemarksvej 30 4681 Herfølge
Udsigt: 12
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GOD of WONDERS, instruktør Jim Tetlow, DVD, andet

Kodefri DVD-film GOD of WONDERS. Undertekster: Dansk, Engelsk, Tysk, Hollandsk, Spansk, Polsk og en masse andre. Lyd: Engelsk, Arabisk, Fransk, Spansk og flere.
God of Wonders is a breathtaking tour of God's creation wonders, visible and invisible, and the greatest wonder of all -- His redeeming love!
Join us on a remarkable journey of discovery as we explore the Creator's handiwork and what His creation reveals about His character. Survey the unimaginable size of the universe and ponder the vast energy present in all matter. Examine the elegant water molecule essential to all life and discover how God combines these molecules to form beautiful and symmetrical snow crystals. Learn about the incredible complexity of DNA and the miraculous workings of the tiny seed. From the functional design of birds to the transformation of butterflies, these and many other features of creation are highlighted in this visually stunning presentation.
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Medie: DVD
Instruktør: Jim Tetlow
Genre: andet