garderobe, ikea
 Hello I am selling a big wardrobe in good condition the size is 200x60x..
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Pris: 2.000 kr.
Adresse: Rodlunvej 8462 Harlev J
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garderobe, ikea
Hello I am selling a big wardrobe in good condition the size is 200x60x240 . New price in Ikea is 6000dkk.
Produkt: garderobe
Mærke: ikea
Relateret garderobe, ikea
Hello I am selling a big wardrobe in good condition the size is 200x60x..
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- Babyseng, Ikea, b: 60 l: 122
 Used 1 year . Good condition .
- Gulvlampe, Ikea
 Light combo wombo! They are in good condition and come included with li..
- Tv bord, IKEA, b: 40 l: 120 h: 48
 In a very good condition. I'm selling it due to reloc..
- STOLMEN garderobe, IKEA
 et stolmen garderobe sæt, der indeholder følgende:- 2 stk sto..
- Sofabord, IKEA, b: 78 l: 78 h: 48
 In a very good condition. no damage on it.I'm selling..
- Andet, Bike
 Hello,I am selling my bike, I have receipt. 18 gears, back light and locker..
- STOLMEN Garderobe, IKEA
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- Sofa, bomuld, 2 pers. , ikea
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- Garderobeskab, Ikea, b: 75 d: 58 h: 237
 "Smaller" ikea wardrobe, 75x58x237 cm, in the b..
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 Confy armchair and folding bed in good condition / self collect..
- Loungestol, stof, IKEA
 IKEA lounge chair in good condition. Covered in brown fabric wi..
- Loungestol, stof, IKEA
 IKEA lounge chair in good condition. Covered in brown removable..
- Mula Kuglebane, Ikea , Kuglebane
 Good condition.Contact by text message.
- Lænestole
 I selling my armchairs. Good condition ,bought from jysk 1.5 år old, new pr..
Spisebord, Træ, Ikea, b: 110 l: 155 White dinning table in good condition. The table is 110cm big and can be opened up to 155cm.Produkt: Spisebord Bredde (cm): 110 Materiale: Træ Længde (cm): 155 Mærke: IkeaVitor P.2400 København NV22393179200 kr.
Babyseng, Ikea, b: 60 l: 122 Used 1 year . Good condition .Type: Babyseng Bredde (cm): 60 Produkt: Ikea Længde (cm): 122aamir s.Sigrid Undset vej9220 Aalborg Øst71972821100 kr.
Gulvlampe, Ikea Light combo wombo! They are in good condition and come included with light bulbs. Light and practical, are a nice addition to any apartment.Type: Gulvlampe Mærke: IkeaCristian S.Beddingen 9, 3 sal, 139000 Aalborg71311827175 kr.
Tv bord, IKEA, b: 40 l: 120 h: 48 In a very good condition. I'm selling it due to relocation Original price was 1100kr.Produkt: Tv bord Længde (cm): 120 Mærke: IKEA Højde (cm): 48 bredde (cm): 40Masoud J.5000 Odense C81926766350 kr.
STOLMEN garderobe, IKEA et stolmen garderobe sæt, der indeholder følgende: - 2 stk stolper (speciallavede - ikke fra IKEA.) - 3 stk hylder (110x50cm) - 1 stk skohylde (110cm) - 1 stk spejl - kroge - div. beslag. VÆR OPMÆRKSOM PÅ at det ikke er præcis
Sofabord, IKEA, b: 78 l: 78 h: 48 In a very good condition. no damage on it. I'm selling it due to relocationProdukt: Sofabord Længde (cm): 78 Mærke: IKEA Højde (cm): 48 bredde (cm): 78Masoud J.5000 Odense C81926766180 kr.
Andet, Bike Hello, I am selling my bike, I have receipt. 18 gears, back light and locker. The bike is in excellent condition, it is very good for windy weather and it is not heavy for carry. Place: AmagerType: Andet Produkt: BikeYuliana F.Hedegaardsv
STOLMEN Garderobe, IKEA et meget fleksibelt stolmen garderobe sæt, der indeholder følgende: - 2 stk stolper (speciallavede - ikke fra IKEA.) - 3 stk hylder (110x38cm) - 1 stk skohylde (110cm) - 1 stk spejl - kroge - div. beslag. VÆR OPMÆRKSOM PÅ at d
Sybord, IKEA, b: 120 l: 120 h: 74 In a very good condition with no damage on it. Easy to Detach. I'm selling it due to relocation. Original price was 424 kr.Produkt: Sybord Længde (cm): 120 Mærke: IKEA Højde (cm): 74 bredde (cm): 120Masoud J.5000 Ode
Strygebræt IKEA IKEA Jäll iron board in very good conditionProdukt: Strygebræt Model: IKEAGeorgios T.Slangerupgade 172200 København N5342265125 kr.
Armstol, træ We're selling 4 chairs for the living-room. They're in good condition. We're only selling them because we have no place for them in our new home. You can buy 1 chair for 200kr each, or the 4 together for 700kr. You have to pick them up a
Sofa, bomuld, 2 pers. , ikea Ikea sofa white color, very good condition , looks good and neatly maintained. W 146 × D78 × H72cm.Produkt: Sofa Størrelse: 2 pers. Materiale: bomuld Mærke: ikeaJoy b.Aarhus n8200 Aarhus N91271995100 kr.
Garderobeskab, Ikea, b: 75 d: 58 h: 237 "Smaller" ikea wardrobe, 75x58x237 cm, in the bottom with pull-out hangers for pants, 1 small drawer to organize belts and other small stuff. Only few months old, only once built up, never moved, perfect c
Komfortstol, stof, Ikea Confy armchair and folding bed in good condition / self collector city centerProdukt: Komfortstol Mærke: Ikea Materiale: stofDBA BrugerGrønningen 151270 København K42504264200 kr.
Loungestol, stof, IKEA IKEA lounge chair in good condition. Covered in brown fabric with a removable cover.Produkt: Loungestol Mærke: IKEA Materiale: stofJulia I.Sommervej 82920 Charlottenlund22122117800 kr.
Loungestol, stof, IKEA IKEA lounge chair in good condition. Covered in brown removable fabric.Produkt: Loungestol Mærke: IKEA Materiale: stofJulia I.Sommervej 82920 Charlottenlund22122117800 kr.
Mula Kuglebane, Ikea , Kuglebane Good condition. Contact by text message.Type: Kuglebane Mærke: Ikea Produkt: Mula KuglebaneS R.8200 Aarhus N5027749625 kr.
Lænestole I selling my armchairs. Good condition ,bought from jysk 1.5 år old, new price per stk. 1250kr. 2 stk for 700 krProdukt: Lænestolegramescu c.Niels steensen vej 227000 Fredericia50632018700 kr.