Forstærkersæt, Audio Research LS26 og VS115, 120 W Update! LS26 er solgt!!Da jeg har ..

Udgiver: Johan R.
Pris: 42.000 kr.
Adresse: 3520 Farum
Udsigt: 13
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Forstærkersæt, Audio Research LS26 og VS115, 120 W

Update! LS26 er solgt!!

Da jeg har valgt at nedgradere mit setup sælger jeg mit elskede Audio Research forstærker sæt bestående af en LS26 forforstærker og en VS115 effektforstærker.

Begge forstærkere står i absolut perfekt stand.
Der er helt nye driver rør (40 timer) i både forforstærker og effektforstærker. Udgangsrørene er Svetlana Winged =C= 6550 rør der har kørt max. 200 timer.

Et fantastisk forstærker sæt med en lyd i verdensklasse.

Anmelderen i SoundStage sagde om Ls26 og VS115:

"LS26 is one of the best preamps I’ve heard at any price, and I am certain it will compete with pricier models from other makers, both of which make it an easy pick as a Reviewers’ Choice."

"If the review stopped here, you’d probably think the VS115 is one terrific amplifier, and you’d be right. But the real strength of the VS115 is that it doesn’t fall into a single audiophile category. More than any amplifier in my experience, the VS115 combines everything -- bass, treble, and midrange prowess; soundstaging; dynamic agility; and transient speed -- to present a musical big picture. The VS115 presented a holistic sonic presentation. Its lucid, uninterrupted lines flowed from start to finish, clearly portraying the complete musical structure."

What HiFi sagde om VS115:

"Yes, listen to someone such as Ella Fitzgerald and you'll find the midrange is natural and free-flowing, but there's just as much chance that you'll be more impressed by the AR's taut handling of bass or its rhythmic prowess.
Try something more dynamically explosive, such as Holst's Mars, and the VS115 delivers all the acoustic thunder you'd hope from an amp that costs more than five grand and weighs nigh on 30kg."


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Produkt: Forstærkersæt
Model: LS26 og VS115
Mærke: Audio Research
Watt: 120