Europe - The New Legal Realism, Henning Koch
Udgiver: Nicolai H.
Pris: 200 kr.
Adresse: Tagensvej 109b 2200 København N
Udsigt: 2
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Europe - The New Legal Realism, Henning Koch (red.), Joseph H.H. Weiler (red.), K, anden bog
Jura. Bogen fremstår som ny.
"In honour of Hjalte Rasmussen 70 year birthday and long activity within EU law and since 2008 with Centre for European Costitutionalization at Faculty of Law, the festschrift was published in 2010.
Friends and collegues from across the globe honours him and his great work within the EU law through a long row of articles on the subject."
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Titel: Europe - The New Legal Realism
Type: Anden bog
Forfatter: Henning Koch (red.), Joseph H.H. Weiler (red.), K
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