Elbas, Yamaha RBX 375 Five string bass guitar with active electronic/pickups and monste..

Udgiver: michel r.
Pris: 1.800 kr.
Adresse: lien 1 a 7080 Børkop
Udsigt: 3
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Elbas, Yamaha RBX 375

Five string bass guitar with active electronic/pickups and monster sound.

I have since that put on new strings (played maximum 5 hours) and a professional setup was made on the bass
Lower string action, intonation and now it playes like a dream. That costed 500 DKK + strings 300 DKK.

This bass was bought and used just for one song production in a studio where we needed deeper and heavier 5 str sound. After that It hasn´t been used, because I don´t need it.

A very cheap price, no lower price. This is as low as I will go. It´s actually under the price that music stores buy those basses for.


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Could have written in Swedish but it seems like most Danish easier read English than Swedish.

Produkt: Elbas
Model: RBX 375
Mærke: Yamaha