DVDs inkl. mappe sort (58 DVD), instruktør

Udgiver: Armin B.
Pris: 150 kr.
Adresse: Helsingborgvej 71 8600 Silkeborg
Udsigt: 17
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DVDs inkl. mappe sort (58 DVD), instruktør Forskellige, DVD, andet

58 DVD Movies inkl. mappe sort:
- Som DVDer er original tysk
- Som DVDer er original fransk

Men alle har engelsk sprog og undertitler
Pakt der Wölfe (Brotherhood of the Wolf)
Resident Evil: Afterlife
À la croisée des mondes : La Boussole d'or (His Dark Materials: The Golden Compass)
Three Kings
Dazed and Confused
Dumm und Dümmer (Dumb & Dumber)
Fools Gold
Matrix: Revolutions
Predators (from Robert Rodriguez)
After the Sunset
Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow
Open Water 2
A Civil Action
Resident Evil: Extinction
Jonah Hex
The Raven
Soldiers of Fortune
The Reef
Starsky and Hutch (Ben Stiller / Owen Wilson)
Jurrasic Park
Bienvenue dans la jungle (Welcome to the Jungle)
Roger and Me (Michael Moore doku)
Rockn Rolla
Bend it like Beckham
La Route (The Road)
Locked down
One Way Trip (Swiss Horror Movie)
A Nightmare on Elm Street (from 2010)
Voyage au centre de la Terre (Journey to the Center of the Earth - from 2008)
Animal Factory
Darkest Hour
Wächter der Nacht – Nochnoi Dozor (Russian movie)
Hannibal Rising
The Inglorious Bastards (Orginal from 1977)
Captain Amercia: The first Avenger
Children of men
X-Men: Der letzte Widerstand (X-Men: The Last Stand)
The Host
Der Staatsfeind Nr. 1 (Enemy of the State)
Die Entführung der U-Bahn Pelham 123 (The Taking of Pelham 123 - from 2009)
The Caller
Machtlos (Rendition)
Die neun Pforten (The Ninth Gate)
The Village
The Day after Tomorrow
The Revenant (from 2011)
Mad City
Rec 2
Bad Ass

Titel: DVDs inkl. mappe sort (58 DVD)
Medie: DVD
Instruktør: Forskellige
Genre: andet