Diatomaceous earth, spisekisel Human grade DE, 80 kr. per kilo til at spise eller bruge..

Udgiver: Sigrid A.
Pris: 500 kr.
Adresse: Jesper Brochmands G 5,2 2200 København N
Udsigt: 10
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Diatomaceous earth, spisekisel

Human grade DE, 80 kr. per kilo til at spise eller bruge lige som pest grade og den giver silica/kisel som bliver til calcium i kroppen og er godt at spise med magnesium som jeg også har til 90 kr per kilo fra www.ancientmagnesium.nl.

Jeg kom det i mine korn, og efterpå kunde jeg lave surdejsbrød på melet.

Sådan her står det om Pest grade (kvaliteten for at fjerne insekter i haven):

Diatomaceous Earth is a natural insecticide that has been used since well before 1900 to fend off all sorts of insects from grain/flour. Diatomaceous Earth makes a very effective natural insecticide. The insecticidal quality of Diatomaceous earth is due to the razor sharp edges of the diatom remains. When diatomaceous earth comes in contact with the insects, the sharp edges lacerate the bugs waxy exoskeleton and then the powdery diatomaceous earth absorbs the body fluids causing death from dehydration. Diatomaceous Earth works in a purely physical/mechanical manner, not ‘chemical’ and thus has no chemical toxicity. Therefore parasites don’t build up a tolerance/immunity to it.

The mineral and silica content seems to increase feed utilization. Reported to kill 75% of flies and fleas that come in contact with it within 72 hrs. Mixed with grains at a ratio of 2% keeps out pests. Diatomaceous earth is excellent for eliminating ants, aphids, flea beetles, fleas, earwigs, sowbugs, mange mites, flys, ticks etc.

Produkt: Diatomaceous earth, spisekisel

Sigrid A.Jesper Brochmands G 5,22200 København N35378090,25744440500 kr.