CthulhuTech, anden bog Regelbog til rollespillet Cthulhu Tech i hardcover. Ctulhu Tech:..

Udgiver: Jasper R.
Pris: 200 kr.
Adresse: peder olufsens vej 10 4653 Karise
Udsigt: 4
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CthulhuTech, anden bog

Regelbog til rollespillet Cthulhu Tech i hardcover. Ctulhu Tech: Call of Ctulhu møder Robotech og X-Com. Bogen er på engelsk og i flot stand, se billeder.

"CthulhuTech is an innovative storytelling game that started out as a combination of two popular genres. The first was that of cosmic horror, made popular by H. P. Lovecraft and culminating in the modern day with elements of Mike Mignola’s Hellboy and John Carpenter’s In the Mouth of Madness. The second was that of giant mecha Japanese animation, made popular by such series as Robotech, Neon Genesis Evangelion, and Rahxephon. But the setting has grown far beyond what it started out to be. CthulhuTech is now a truly unique hybrid of genres – cosmic horror, anime, post-apocalypse, traditional horror, and science fiction blended together seamlessly".

Titel: CthulhuTech
Type: Anden bog