CPU, Intel Pentium 4
 Intel® Pentium® 4 Processor 2.53 GHz, 512K Cache, 533 MHz FSBSo..
Udgiver: Martin E.
Pris: 75 kr.
Adresse: Lærkevej 5N 6600 Vejen
Udsigt: 12
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CPU, Intel Pentium 4
Intel® Pentium® 4 Processor 2.53 GHz, 512K Cache, 533 MHz FSB
Sockets PPGA478
for mere info se her.
Type: CPU
Model: Pentium 4
Mærke: Intel
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CPU, Intel og AMD Jeg har disse CPU'er liggende fra bærbare computere: - Intel® Celeron® Processor (2.80 GHz, 128K Cache, 400 MHz FSB, single core) - Intel Mobile Pentium III KP 800/256 (single core) - AMD Athlon 64 X2 TK-57 (1.9 GHz dual core) Kom m
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MSI GE40, Intel® Core™ i7 Processor 2.9GHz Core i7-4702MQ GHz, 16 GB ram, 128GB SSD + 1000 GB harddisk I am selling my gaming laptop as I am buying a desktop. It's a MSI GE40 14 inches laptop with 16GB RAM and High-end NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760M graphic
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CPU, Intel Pentiun 4 Intel® Pentium® 4 Processor 530/530J supporting HT Technology (1M Cache, 3.00 GHz, 800 MHz FSB) sockets LGA775 For mere info se her. http://ark.intel.com/products/27463/Intel-Pentium-4-Processor-530530J-supporting-HT-Technology-1
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Cpu Intel cpu er pentium e6300 2.8 GHz, intel core2 duo e4700 2.6 GHz, pentium D 3.0 ghz . Har 23 stk samlet kr. 300 eller. Stk prisType: CpuPer O.Attenbjerg 323210 Vejby2195141225 kr.
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