CD afspiller, Micromega Stage 3 Køb en fransk hi end forstærker, der kostede over 100..

Udgiver: Michael H.
Pris: 950 kr.
Adresse: Munkhusevej 30 8961 Allingåbro
Udsigt: 13
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CD afspiller, Micromega Stage 3

Køb en fransk hi end forstærker, der kostede over 10000kr i 1990 erne. Den har fået nyt driv. Så der en mange år drift tilbage. Lyder meget analog...
God stand, virker perfekt.....1000kr
Jeg høre kun vinyl så den bliver ikke fra nettet: I would ignore the xenophobic comments regarding this player,because this type of comments could make you miss a exellent and rewarding second hand buy.My Micromega has had no problems at all and it is now in its 8th year!!!.It started as a stage 1,it blew into the weeds the marantz cd63se,which was all the rage at the time,the sound was a massive improvement,power,musicality,were there in spades.I then changed it to a stage 2,I only noticed a slight gain in improvements with this upgrade.I then converted the stage 2 into the drive transport,DAC combo.WOW!!! was I knocked out of the ability of this combo,at last cd was beginning to sound respectable.The scale of the player was imense,vocals dead bang in the centre, when you could here all the expressiveness in the voices the emotion the singer was singing with,the soundstage took on a extra dimension,in width,it was stunning,you could listen for hours as the player is smooth warm and nonfatiging,it simply played the tunes full of emotion with a analouge feel.
The treble is very smooth and refined,doesnt leave your teeth on edge or the local canine population barking,the midrange is so naural,inviting and excels at vocal reproduction,the bass is deep and times well.

Produkt: CD afspiller
Model: Stage 3
Mærke: Micromega