Bürkert Easy Level 8175
 Ultralyds volumen / afstandsmåler i IP67 husVelegnet til at m..
Bürkert Easy Level 8175
Ultralyds volumen / afstandsmåler i IP67 hus
Velegnet til at måle volumen i tanke med faste eller flydende materialer. Kan programmeres til forskellige tankdiametre og har 2 relæer, et for lav tankstand og et for høj tankstand.
Aldrig brugt men skulle have været anvendt i vandtank på bryghus.
Nypris 8.000
Measurement type Level, distance or volume measurement
Measurement range 0.30 to 10 meters compact version and
0.30 to 7 meters wall and panel versions
Measurement range in the
following conditions: Measure of the fluid without foam,
Tambient = 20°C ; Tfluid = 20°C
Ambient pressure value : atmopheric pressure
Accuracy +/- 0.25% of the full scale
+/- 0.15% after calibration with Teach-In
Resolution +/- 3mm
Full beam width 8 degrees conical
Pulse rate 8 pulses per second
Blocking distance 30 cm from the base of the sensor
Pressure rating 2 bar at 25°C maximum
Mounting threads G 2‘‘ or NPT 2‘‘
Fluid temperature -40 to +80°C / -40 to +176°F
Gasket material FPM or EPDM (option)
Produkt: Bürkert Easy Level 8175