Boger , emne: markedsføring Strategic Management 300Statistics for Management and Econ..

Udgiver: Teresa G.
Pris: 4 kr.
Adresse: Hårbyvej 2740 Skovlunde
Udsigt: 14
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Boger , emne: markedsføring

Strategic Management 300
Statistics for Management and Economics 200
Costing Theory and Decision Making 100
Contemporary America 50
Macroeconomics 200
Introduction to Operations and Supply Chain Management 200
Marketing Management 250
Microeconomics 200
Regnskabsanalyse og værdiansættelse 150 SOLGT SOLD
Communicating Across Cultures at Work 50
Fundamentals of Corporate Finance 250
Fundamentals of Corporate Finance 300
Managerial Decision Modeling with Spreadsheets 150
Financial Accounting and Reporting 200
The Danish Economy 100 solgt
Managing a Nonprofit Organization in the Twenty-First Century 50
Management Information Systems 150
Tv-nyheder i konkurrence 40
Contemporary British Society 50
Methodology for Creating Business Knowledge 180
Six Sigma and the Quality Toolbox 40 SOLGT
Essential Mathematics for Economic Analysis 150
An Introduction to Qualitative Research 100
Organisational Behaviour 200
Business Research Methods 250
Statistical Tables 15

Titel: Boger
Kategori: markedsføring