Barnevogn, tvillinge-, Hauck Roadster Duo SL
 Almost new twin baby pram. Was used only f..
Barnevogn, tvillinge-, Hauck Roadster Duo SL
Almost new twin baby pram. Was used only few times.
Really nice pram, very light and easy to use. German quality. Can be folded in 2 seconds, just by pressing one button.
Front wheels have two positions - fixed and flexible. Break is in the back , by pressing feet down the handle.
Seats can be put in "sleeping" and "sitting" position. Feet holders can be also put "up" or "down".
Width is 80cm, so can fit in any elevator, and easy to pass through a door.
Price of carriage including two sleeping bags (they fit perfectly to this model and have special holes for belts in the pram) - 2000 kr. 2 bags without pram cost 600kr.
I bought it for 2250kr
Produkt: Barnevogn, tvillinge-
Mærke: Hauck Roadster Duo SL
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