Angels Delight, anden bog
 Flot og smuk indbundet foto-bog med smudsomslag, se billeder:..
Angels Delight, anden bog
Flot og smuk indbundet foto-bog med smudsomslag, se billeder:
- More than 160 stunning photos of a magical world
- Nudes with wings—and perhaps a touch of metal or leather
- Nine top photographers explore fantasy
"The fantasy visions of nine top photographers take readers into an erotic, magical world—a world of imagination, a world of secret dreams and desires. World-renowned artists Leroy Roper, Beat A. von Weissenfluh, Manuela Schneider, Emil Schildt, Stefan Soll, Bjorn OldsenRoman Kasperski, Wolf Muller Funke, Vincent O’Byrne, and Martin Boelt are the inspired creators of this mystical place. In their sensuous full-color photographs, breathtakingly beautiful models appear to have grown angel’s wings. Other pictures bring Greek myths to mind. Elves, Amazons, inhabitants of lost and forgotten places...always the focus is on striking women, with small touches of metal, or leather, or latex touching their bare skin. This inspiring and masterful collection of art photographs takes readers on a journey to the hidden heart of eroticism."
Titel: Angels Delight
Type: Anden bog
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